dearest Ray, i just want to wish hepi bufday to u.. may god bless u & may all ur dream come truth.. ur dream as MENTERI la kan.. lol... hope u will hepi with ur new life beginning today. cepat2 cari partner yer.. hehehe.. and if sepanjang i kenal u, i ada wat salah mohon maaf yang tulus dari hati sempena ur bufday. t raya mohon semula. nothing to say just want to wish hepi bufday again..
i know him hampir 2 years plus.. he very intelligent, friendly, nicely, noty, sometimes like a joker. me da anggap dia as my own brother yang sangat baik. actually i dun have brother. hukhukhuk... just want to thanks to him coz want to be my fren, my brother lum tau lagi la dia terima or tak. hehehe.. anway, Mr Ray from a lot of love i want to wish u again hepi bufday to u. hope u always bahagia & always2 disayangi oleh orang sekeliling u..
this sweet cat i give to u as ur bufday presnt.. yang betul2 punya tunggu jumpa u k..