picture credit from Dafi FC website : http://www.dafi-fc.com/
Sila ambil perhatian !!! Kod undian telah berubah !!!
congrates to DAFI coz disenarai calon kan untuk ABPBH this year.. OMBAKKKK!!! hope sjarah 2 years ago berulang kmbali untk DAFI untk ke-2 kalinya.. bukan snang nk jdi Bintang Paling Popular tau... hope he will get it for his career & not frget for his Dafinites.. so Dafinites pe lgi mau tnggu... g topup then vote for our lovely, DAFI.. to DAFI, me sntiasa doakan kejayaan u k.. da jom vote rmai2.. cra2 da diberi kat ats.. just amik phone then ikut je step2 tu k..